Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Trimming the Tree

The Christmas tree is down (from the attic) and up (in the den). Although I love the look and smell of a fresh tree, our son's allergist told us in no uncertain terms that we were practically abusing him by having a fresh cut Christmas tree.

That was probably eight years ago. So even though my tree isn't "real," it's still pretty, at least to me. And you can't beat the convenience. It's pre-lit, and in three sections. We just put it together, part A to part B to part C, shake it out a little and plug it up. Fresh trees are nice, but they are way more work.

We have a huge fireplace that takes up almost all of our back wall in our den. One more reason not to have a fresh tree. As the wife of a man who has survived not one but two house fires, I can promise that we are more than vigilant about things that can burn.

We do not leave our tree on all night, when we are away, or even when we are out of the room for an extended period of time. Not only do we turn it off, we unplug it. I unplug it even if I'm just leaving long enough to take a shower. My husband is sincere about not wanting to experience a third fire.

So the stockings are hung by the (gas log burning) fire place with (great) care, but there's no mistletoe for the same reason there's no other living plants. If it is green and it is living, my son and my husband are allergic to it. There's no candles burning (see above) and no live garland like all magazines suggest this time of year.

I'm pretty sure my home won't be featured in any magazine spread anytime soon. That's just fine with me. It's pretty to me, and it's pretty to my husband and my son. Our home is decorated with things that have meaning to us and things that bring back memories important only to us.

Most of the time, I don't like those spreads in all of those magazines my Mom gets anyway. They are always too cluttered to me. There is stuff everywhere. Too much clutter, actually, any clutter, bothers me. I don't have things sitting out everywhere all over every surface in my home. It would drive me batty. It is, apparently, the style, but it is definitely not my style.

So I don't think Better Homes & Gardens or Life&Style or Southern Living will come calling to my home anytime soon. But that's okay with me. Our home suits us, quite well, thanks. And it just really doesn't matter to me if it is the latest thing or not. It's Our Thing. And that's all that matters.

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